4sc Permanent Magnet Solar DC Submersible Deep Well Stainless Steel Borehole Pump
Brushless DC Solar Submersible Deep Well borehole stainless steel Water Pump4SC Series With Plastic ImpellersApplication
Brushless DC Solar Submersible Deep Well borehole stainless steel Water Pump4SC Series With Plastic ImpellersApplication
3.5inch Submersible Borehole Electrical Water Pump (3.5SD2.5/16)OperatingcondistionsMinimumwelldiameter:3.5Maximumfluidt
6 Inches Stainless Steel Submersible Borehole Multi-Stage PumpOperatingcondistionsMinimumwelldiameter:6Maximumsandconten
4 Inches electric Stainless Steel Deep Well PumpOperatingcondistionsMinimumwelldiameter:4Maximumfluidtemperatureupto:+50
5 Inches electric Submersible Deep Well Borehole PumpOperatingcondistionsMinimumwelldiameter:5Maximumfluidtemperatureupt
Household Automatic Boosting Pressurizing Water PumpAPPLICATIONSFor boosting pressure for family tap water, fire fightin
2 inches Deep well borehole Submersible Screw water PumpApplicationWatersupplySprinklerirrigationPressureboostingFire-fi
4 Stainless steel deep well pumpOpertating conditions:Minimum well diameter: 4 inchesMaximum fluid temperature: 35 oCMax
4SD SERIES Electrical Submersible Deep Well Borehole Water pumpApplication:Water supplySprinkler irrigationPressure boos
ApplicationsFor water supply and drainage of no-sand water and well water.For farmland, breeding, garden, hotel, canteen